Quadclick to edit text in grouped textframes doesn't work anymore
(14.0.1 x64, Windows):
Switching from CS6 to CC.
The Task: you have a group of items. The groupd also contains a textframe with some text. You want to edit this text. There is a change in the way you can "click-into" the group and into the text edit mode.
In CS6
- you doubleclicked on the textframe in the group (that selected the textframe in the group), and you doubleclicked again onto the text to get to edit the text (textcursor). It was fast. Basicly a quad-click.
In CC:
- That quad-click doesn't work. You have to doubleclick-PAUSE-doubleclick. And that nescessary pause, for which you don't get any feedback, is quite long. If you don't make a pause you can click forever and nothing happens, you're still stuck with the selection of the textframe. You can no longer click "downwards/into" stuff anymore.
(This is such a basic task that i am faced with this problem hundred times a day. That's how painful this is)
Please restore the faster behaviour.