Figure numbering skips one number in caption in multi-chapter book
I have created a multi-chapter book. All the page numbers are correct from chapter to chapter. The Index of Figures is correct and sequential.
Chapter 3 contains figures 1 and 2.
Chapter 4 assigns 'figure 4' to the first figure, skipping figure 3.
As I said, my Index of figures is correct and lists 'figure 3' with the caption that in the body of the text is assigned to figure 4.
I have tried changing the caption paragraph style bullets and numbering to 'start at' to 3, but then all of the figures in chapter 4 are labeled 'figure 3.'
Please help me, I am desperate.
Thank you in advance.

Cordula Hofacker commented
I have a similar Problem. In a large table, which runs over 45 pages, I use rows with numbered lists to separate sections. Since I have updated to the new InDesign 2020 (15.1.1), the numbers from 4 to 6 are missing. The row after row 3 is 7. Please help me with this issue.