Alt text transposition issue with book files
I'm using a book file to organize a number of interactive forms.
When I export out the forms as interactive PDFs, the alt text that was designated in the "button and forms" panel for that form field sometimes gets switched out for alt text that is used in another form if the fields share the same name. This happens on export whether I use the"Export book to PDF" option in the book panel or I use the "File" option export (ctrl+E keyboard shortcut).
The alt text remains correct in the InDesign file and only gets switched out upon export.
For interactive text fields, I use the "description" field in the "Buttons and Forms" panel rather than using "object export options" alt text panel (I leave that as the default: "from structure".
This workflow had worked in the past: I had used a book file with the forms in a previous iteration about 1 year ago with no issues.
I'm using Adobe CC 2018 on Windows 10 Enterprise 2016.