Image tagged with sRGB, but InDesign assigns AdobeRGB (Workspace) and displays incorrect colors
I´m using Indesign 13.0.1 x64
To recreate please use the following steps (I have AdobeRGB as Working-space and preserve profiles):
1. Create a new document
2. Place the attached Image "Portrait_Edip-original.jpg"
3. Look for the Profile in the links-panel
The image has sRGB but displays as Workspace RGB but my workspace is AdobeRGB and also the colors are incorrect.
Bridge and Photoshop both show the right profile.
When i open the image in Photoshop and save it as jpeg it works in InDesign.
I have this issue from time to time but now i´m sure it´s a bug.
I work for a publishing company and we make 50 magazines a year with an average of 100 pages and 3 pictures per page. So we cannot check if indesign assigned each icc correctly.
Although this does not always happen but at least 10 pictures per magazine.
I have also attached the newly saved image, the indesign document and a screenshot of my color settings.
Hope you can help me.
Thanks Steve

rwillfahrt commented
Anyway, it would be helpful if ID could recognize the profile as PS can do.
rwillfahrt commented
Hi! The background of the reported issue is well explained here, sorry German only (try using Google translate): Briefly summarized: the source image has an icc-profile embedded, but it is not embedded properly. If it's being opened in PS, PS will fully scan the code of the image and finally find its icc-profile, even if it is written to another position. But InDesign is only scanning the part of the image code where the icc-profile should be embedded if it was embedded properly. When you again save the image in PS, it will embed the icc-profile properly and ID will find it when placing the image. The reason for that issue is the application in which the source image has been saved with an icc-profile.
Max commented
I'm not sure if this is helping, but I got curious, so I tried a few things. When I examine both versions of your image files with exiftool, I notice that some (maybe crucial) information ist missing.
The saved jpg contains these additional lines:
Profile CMM Type : Linotronic
Profile Version : 2.1.0
Profile Class : Display Device Profile
Color Space Data : RGB
Profile Connection Space : XYZ
Profile Date Time : 1998:02:09 06:49:00
Profile File Signature : acsp
Primary Platform : Microsoft Corporation
CMM Flags : Not Embedded, Independent
Device Manufacturer : Hewlett-Packard
Device Model : sRGB
Device Attributes : Reflective, Glossy, Positive, Color
Rendering Intent : Perceptual
Connection Space Illuminant : 0.9642 1 0.82491
Profile Creator : Hewlett-Packard
Profile ID : 0
Profile Copyright : Copyright (c) 1998 Hewlett-Packard Company
Profile Description : sRGB IEC61966-2.1So I guess it's not really a bug, the colour profile information is actually missing. I couldn't find out what is causing this.
MSCH commented
I'm glad someone else noticed that kind of bug!
We know it since InDesign CS 5.5, we are working with CC 2015 (on a Mac) due to neccessary plugin compatibility.For photos we usually use .eps, for digital publications we use .jpg. At some cases (alpha channel needed) we also use .psd. Opening and re-saving images in photoshop doesn't solve the problem to us, because we only use images which are checked (and sometimes converted to the right color space / ICC-profile).
While using eps, InDesign sometimes shows no ICC-profile at all in the links-panel. It's a total mess!I now recreated your case and I even see a difference between the two pictures in InDesign (and even in an exported PDF!!) if you change the working space, but not in Photoshop. How is this possible? Why doesn't InDesign recognize the profile in the first case?