Cannot Pan/Scroll with WACOM pen in Open/Save/Place file dialogue windows.
Cannot Pan/Scroll with Wacom pen in Open/Save/Place type file dialogue windows in mmany if not all of Adobe apps (where every other non-Adobe app I know of does, Apple and other 3rd parties), obviously this pertains to when you've mapped a Wacom pen button to pan/scroll to use in that manner (Wacom settings screen attached).
What should happen is being able to interact similar to touch omnidirectional swiping which includes vertical mouse-like scrolling when pressing the button and making contact with the pen, as would be expected and Wacom designed it to do.
What instead happens: Adobe apps interpret this as a Quick Look request on click of whatever file is targeted by cursor at the time. This defers from every system norm elsewhere on macOS, 1st and 3rd party. Never witnessed this in a non-Adobe app. Adobe apps are essentially ignoring the pan/scroll input from Wacom pens, but strangely only in those types of windows, which are standard and common macOS type views otherwise and not unique to Adobe, so the behavior expected is pretty well established.
Note: This is not unique to InDesign. This is an Adobe Suite - wide issue. Photoshop, Illustrator reflect same unexpected behavior, and I would assume others if it's a shared thing across the CC suite of apps. That said, in all other app interactivity other than in these window types, the pan/scroll input is respected and behavior is consistent with expectation.
...This issue has plagued Adobe products for a long time and is not newly occurring.