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Adobe InDesign: Bugs

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12 results found

  1. [ID-4253057]Autonumbering in Hide Spreads is not working for Text Variables -> Insert Variable -> Last Page Number

    Text variable "Last page number" does not update with Hide Spread.

    With the newest update hiding spreads works automatically updates the pagination. This does not however change the "Last page number" variable. I often use this for screen presentations to display page X/X.

    This seems like a simple oversight in the update, but would be nice to have fixed.

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  2. [ID-4252110]Place (cmd+D) can't see tagged folders on mac

    Place command (cmd+D) can't see the tagged folders, so i can't find my documents quickly as it should be...

    All other commands (export cmd+E for exemple) allow me to navigate from my tagged folders.

    Please add the same option to place command.

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  3. Opening documents as tabs cannot be deactivated

    Always open documents as tabs even if you have not selected this in the settings under User interface -> Open documents as tabs. I need different window sizes and find tabs impractical.

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  4. Shortcuts for view at 200% 400% & 50% not working correctly

    Windows 10 - Indesign CC 16.4 (only just updated today 8/10)

    Issues - shortcuts
    Ctrl+5 (view @ 50%)
    Ctrl+2 (view @200%)
    Ctrl+4 (view @400%) not working properly.

    Ctrl+5 is now view @ 33.33%
    Ctrl+4 is now view @ 266.67%
    Ctrl+2 is now view @ 133.33%

    The issue doesn't seem to be a thing for Mac, they work fine.

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  5. [ID-4216889]Objects on the page jump if a left-hand page becomes a right-hand page and vice versa

    Hi developers,
    this is a longstanding bug:

    With facing pages documents on EVERY document page there is a zone where jumping of objects will happen.

    I call this the jump zone. All objects on a page that will jump are clearly inside the page's area. The bug has nothing to do with rounding errors where object edges are at the edge of a page.

    The objects should not move if pages are added or removed, if numbering of pages is changing. Nevertheless they do. Always. Unless, the zone has a width of zero.

    Below all the details.

    What is a…

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  6. Saving document presets always changes back to pica units

    When creating and saving new document presets, despite choosing a different unit such as inches or points, after hitting the save button, the document preset is only saved in picas unit measurement

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  7. Source Serif Pro font baseline not consistent

    I'm using Indesign 15.0 on MacBook Pro (Retina, Mid 2012) running Mojave version 10.14.6

    I'm experiencing a bug with the Source Serif Pro font , which I use extensively in a particular project.

    I open an existing document, and the text in Source Serif Pro looks as you'd expect it to. When I start to edit the text however, it all jumps down as if the baseline settings of the text frame has been changed (although checking in the settings confirms they haven't been).

    Copying and pasting the frame, or the text into a new frame, doesn't help.

    It only…

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    Under Review  ·  amaarora responded

    We are looking into the issue.
    Seems there is some discrepancy in font information of the font present in Typekit and that on Google fonts.


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  9. Bug copy and paste complex XML Element CC2018.1

    Only on CC2018.1

    The problem is highlighted by copying a complex XML TAG containing a nested structure of XML from one document to another.
    Only SOME TAG are pasted, not all and the parent TAG is missing.
    Both from programming and from interface

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  10. Pages/spread overlapping after changing page size

    InDesign 2018 CC 13.0.1

    Pages and spreads are doing weird things when I resize my document. It creates some odd margin after resize of pages. I start out with 2 pages, document shuffling allowed, facing pages turned off.

    Pagespread01112617 - shows the page spread I was working with; each page is 10”x12.25”.
    spread02112617 - after I changed the size to 10.68”x11.239” for another ad spread, a weird margin showed up. The content boxes show how there is an odd overlap; each box is 10.68" wide.
    Pagespread03_112617 - If I move page 2…

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  11. False layer gets duplicated through context menu

    If for example layer 1 is selected in the layers panel and layer 2 is right-clicked, the context menu for layer 2 appears. If you choose to duplicate the layer 2, the selected layer 1 gets duplicated. Deleting works as expected.

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    Under Review  ·  Abhinav Kaushik responded

    We have been able to reproduce the issue and it is currently under investigation.

    Workaround: Select the Layer that needs to be duplicated to avoid the issue.

    InDesign Team

  12. Bug with search and replace on locked layers

    Hi all,
    it seems I’ve found an InDesign bug that is creating some problem on a project for a customer.
    I have a document with a table nested inside another table, the layer is locked but I’m able to find the text inside the nested table even if the “search on locked layer” is inactive.
    I can also apply another paragraph style to the text inside the nested table (with the layer locked) and this is causing some problem because I need to change the styles of the text of unlocked layers with a script.

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