Regarding the InDesign file font pointing confusion: Wish Adobe would provide 3 options.
Regarding the InDesign file font pointing confusion:
Wish Adobe would provide 3 options.
I receive InDesign files from a lot of different people when I'm actually working.
Although they are all packaged and given to me later, they also copy all the fonts into the Documents Fonts directory.
However, when I open them, some of the fonts in the files do not point to Documents Fonts, but to the “C:windows\fonts” directory, and the fonts have changed and become different from the previous one, and sometimes they are not even prompted.
Some of the fonts I have on my computer may have the same name, but the versions may be different, and they may even be very different.
This is quite dangerous.
I very much hope, InDesign will have such a font management feature:
1. intelligent selection (suitable for the same computer to deal with their own packaged files), requiring the first point to documents, missing fonts and then point to C:\windows\fonts
2. forced to point to C:\windows\fonts directory (suitable for their own A and B between the two computers, dealing with their own files)
2. forced to point to the Document fonts directory (suitable for handling other people's packaged files)
The current version of Indesign, using the first program, often appear to point to the wrong, even if the same computer, when you install a new version of the font, or the same file, you copy to the B computer, and then copied back to the initial A computer, there may be a lack of fonts.