Update Hyperlinks after destination file rename
Hi there and thanks for this wonderful tool!
Usually I always find a way to do what I want thanks to ExtendScript which is just amazing.
However in this case it seems that it's not possible (https://community.adobe.com/t5/indesign-discussions/target-the-source-hyperlink-destination-document-of-an-hyperlinks/m-p/11498930)
I am now working on a very long document that we split in three .indd files and have dozens of hyperlinks in each file to jump from one file to another.
Let's say they are called:
If we find things to update in those files then we would like to share new versions with attendants to our event as new set of files that are named differently from the previous ones. So we would call them for instance:
However, as soon as files are renamed, all the hyperlinks are broken and need to be redefined by hand one by one. The error shown after renaming is:
Hyperlink destination document not found. Please verify the
document's location in the Hyperlinks panel before choosing
this hyperlink.
Not only the destination file path is lost, but also the name of the "Hyperlink Destination", so one needs to be very careful to re-link every single Hyperlink to its proper destination, and given we have dozens and dozens this can be very error prone.
It would be very useful if there was a way to say that file P_EN_v1.0.indd
was renamed as P_EN_v2.0.indd
, and therefore update all Hyperlinks that are pointing to v1.0 to point to v2.0 in a single operation.
According to the forum discussion linked above it is not possible to achieve this through scripting, but only through exporting as IDML, doing a find&replace and exporting again as INDD.
However it seems to me that this should be supported by InDesign itself, since renaming files should be a harmless enough thing to do. Otherwise as soon as I start linking I am actually deadlocking myself to forever use the file names as they are or have to relink everything.
And in case of an event like us where every day we update the file and have a new set with v1.0, v1.1, v1.2, v2.0, and so on, and each file has dozens of links, that would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you so much for reading this far,
Have a great day!