InDesign Review Panel should NOT switch the filter to 'Resolved' when editing text with older resolved comments
I am often working on documents with multiple review sessions. The problem that occurs since the latest updates of InDesign is that as soon as I put the cursor in a piece of text which previously had a comment attached to it which is resolved, all resolved comments pop up in the comments panel and I cannot see the current comments: all comments are immediately filtered to 'resolved'. Of course I can switch off the filter for resolved comments again, but it switches back again to 'resolved comments' as soon as I start working on the text. This is driving me nuts, because it is not only annoying, it becomes very difficult to work on the unresolved comments and takes up a lot of time. As a work around I now have to open the online document with the current unresolved comments to track down what actually still needs to be resolved. Apparently this is 'as designed', but this is driving designers crazy. Please help!
More details and screen recordings can be found in this discussion on the Adobe Community: