Ability to save Interactive PDF settings as Preset
EITHER (or both!)
-- Include the ability to create a custom preset when exporting as an interactive PDF, OR
-- Include "Use Structure for Tab Order" in dialog box when exporting through Adobe PDF Presets

Bevi Chagnon | ACP commented
Expanding on Colleen Hill's idea...
In the traditional Export module in InDesign, there are presets for print, press, standard, and other common types of PDFs, but not for tagged Adobe accessible PDFs.
Ideally, this post is to fix the shortcomings in the current PDF export dialogues from InDesign:
1. In the standard Export Preset dialogue, create a Preset for Tagged Accessible Adobe PDF that includes the setting to set the Tab order, as well as apply tags and set the title.
2. In the File/Export / Interactive dialogue, also have a preset for Tagged Accessible Adobe PDF, too.
I know these settings can be set manually each time the user is exporting, but a preset (.joboptions file) would allow the settings to be shared among team members, as well as make it easier to ensure all accessibility settings are set.