Footnote Improvement: Footnotes do not always get consecutive numbers. Footnotes within quoted material retain their original numbers.
This post is similar to "Custom numbered footnotes." Footnote Improvement: Footnotes do not always get consecutive numbers. Footnotes within quoted material retain their original numbers. To allow this, all Adobe needs to do is to create a second kind of footnote, the non-sequential footnote. The existing footnote style has a counter that increments by 1 every time the user inserts a footnote. Create a non-sequential footnote style that requires the user to enter the desired footnote number, and do not let that footnote increment the counter in the existing, sequential footnote style. Then the user can select either footnote style, retaining sequential numbering for user-inserted footnotes but allowing custom numbers for footnotes in quoted material. That's a relatively simple programming matter. Adobe already has lots of paragraph styles. What's one more?