Collaborative Work + Multiple Users Opening the Same File Simultaneously
We need a collaborative environment inside InDesign. We use InD for Proposals and document repositories. We have manually created a library of graphics and text that we use as standard content across multiple documents. We have a team that is constantly asking for access to the file. The lack of version history reverting and tracking makes this a nightmare on top of the fact that only one person can have the file open at a time. Then, you open it, and on PC it says its a read-only file so you have to save-as a new file name. Document integrity is lost regularly due to this. We work in tandem on certain documents and need to be able to see others' edits. have a comment panel, see version history, auto-save, and improve the cc library feature to be able to build an asset library that auto updates instances of items used from the library if edited anywhere else (like inCopy, but more for graphics and formatting saving as well)
Please make InDesign team friendly