Add Javascript for creating interactive Documents
So I had the nice task of creating an interactive PDF document. It needed a bit more logic than Indesign had to offer, so I was forced to use Javascript.
Because Indesign can't add Javascript, the design file and the logic file were separated. I was forced to manually connect the two every time I needed to make a change in Indesign, adding nearly 40 hours to my workload and completely destroying my workflow.
Just being able to add the scripts to the elements would have saved so much time.
John Revoy commented
I have the same issue. A simple example is to create radio check boxes, but using check marks instead of circles. This can be easily accomplished with 2 check boxes and a tiny bit of Javascript. The Javascript can be added through Acrobat, but then every time I re-export my document from InDesign, I have to re-add my javascript each time.
Robin Hein commented
Now somehow two layers merged(everything is fine in Indesign but not in Acrobat) and destroyed every bit of process so far.
Robin Hein commented
Oh, I made a Typo, another workhour lost... great