Page numbering for spreads
Numbering for Spreads, not just single pages.
A simple option as follows:
Type > Insert Special Character > Markers > New Spread Numbering Options
I.e This would make page 1-2 appear as spread number 1 automatically throughout the document
A life saver and simply amazed this doesn't already exisit!
Adobe, please please please implement. It will be a dramatic time saver over doing it manually.
Thank you,

Nobby commented
Automatic spread numbering using Current Spread Number markers entered on Parent pages (as for automatic page numbers) would save my team many hours of work.
My publications have a single image filling the RH page of a spread, with the image's number and details relating to it on the LH page.
Our current documents have the image numbers manually entered, but the order of the spreads often changes which means we have to go through and manually change the numbers each time the order changes.
A 'Current spread number' marker, or the possibility to add variables or formulae to the 'Current page number' marker (ie current page number divided by 2 to create spread numbers) would solve that problem.Thanks.
Anonymous commented
Yes please!! My clients always refer to spreads as pages (using Publish Online). This would be a huge time save.