Document info in Indesign hyperlinks
I am implementing a sort of voting system for articles in a magazine (readers can vote wether or not they like an article). This means I have to implement 3 (more if I want a more detailed system) links per article. It would be handy to be able to use document info in the links so I can use this as parameters. Things like "Filename" "Pagenumber" "Section name" would really make this process a lot easier. I could create one set of links with these "parameters" and copy it to any section/Page/document and none of the links would have to be adjusted. At this moment my links look like "" and this has to manually adjusted for every item ... and this 3 times (scores vary from -1 to 1 for 3 possible scores). This process could be much easier with document-parameters that can be used in hyperlinks.