Auto Layout of text frames (ala Figma auto layout)
Currently InDesigns' text frame fitting options are really powerful... but it would be amazing to pinch some of Figma's functionality, to supercharge them for dynamic layouts.
For instance, we often like to set up text variables on a master page, and have a layout which dynamically adjusts. Currently, we can use workarounds like whitespace to set spacing between elements, so that as the content shrinks & expands nothing overflows, and the spacing between these elements remains consistent. It's a limited approach, but better than nothing. You could take this further by having items dynamically align to layout grids (like baseline-grid alignment) etc — lots of possibilities!
Figma has a feature called auto layout, which informs this idea. The 'spacing between items' specifically is relevant to this.
Alexander Laxgang commented
+1 much needed feature. Why did the indesign team loose its creativity in developing this program...