Dynamic Spelling Additions
Hi there,
I've lost sleep over this one. So, I'd like to suggest a feature that would be a little more helpful in the future in regards to fixing erros in a document. Here's the problem. As, it happens regularly.
I am provided a document with many highlighted spelling revisions. In the "DynamicSpellingChange" image dynamic spelling highlights all the families last names in a document. And just underneath Victoria Tseng Paepcke, Helen's Neice is spelled wrong.
This is my human error. As I typed this in after sending a revised proof that was already incorrect because I was in a rush and formatted the document incorrectly.
It would be nice to have common mispelled words separately coloured from assumed words spelled incorrectly. It would be nice when pushing a document to print that it highlights or forces me to walk through any errors that my be critical. I can add in a Neice to Niece auto correction but this doesn't help me the words I spell wrong in the future.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Even if there's another form of prevention. I'd be interested. As, I should have just imported the word document and not pasted it over one block at a time.