Please fix the tab export issue in EPUB format! We're paying for a program that promises print AND flowable epubs but getting only half.
I'm incredibly unhappy about paying so much money out of pocket for a program that does only half of what it promises. It promises print and ebook exports. Print works fine. Epub does not export tabs, indents, or line spacing. I've had your techs work on the program with a program file of mine after I showed them my work flow, and they took two weeks and couldn't do it. I did everything right, even according to them. Their solution was to have me get another program to do the job Adobe InDesign promises it will do but does not do. Honestly, what is the point of your program only doing half of its job while wholly ripping off its customers?? Back in December and January the techs tried but a whole team of them were useless. Seriously, please fix this asap so I actually get what I am paying for before I decide to swear off InDesign and never pay for or even recommend others to use your program again. I've got free alternatives that do a better job with layouts with less headaches or screwed up epubs.

James Gifford—NitroPress commented
EPUB is HTML-based. HTML does not support tabs, at all.
This issue has nothing to do with ID functionality; documents exported to EPUB (and on to Kindle) must be designed NOT to rely on tabs for horizontal placement and spacing, regardless of what tool/s are used to create them.