Changes to the review tools
First, I'm using ID 15.1.3 and I cannot upgrade at this time. Not sure how much of these ideas would be resolved by upgrading.
-Is it possible to make pins and pencil lines transparent? There are two ways I can think of: a percentage slider just like alpha control in color settings, or a three point switch: hide/semisolid/solid. Either way I would like to see this as a control for each comment so you can choose it individually. Right now the pin or pencil line blocks the art somewhat, which is where the transparency would be handy.
-Right now, you can move a pin and rewrite a comment, but other edits are not possible. Here is what I would suggest: select a menu item or button for 'edit' in the comment you want to change, pick the tool you want to use. The marking for the old comment is 'greyed out' while you make the new marking. Use a cancel button to go back to the old marking or confirm button to use the new marking, with the text of the comment fully retained.
-The option to use a 'crosshair' precision pin. Why is the current pin a pixel block anyway? Or is that just a redraw bug?
-I previously suggested (in the wrong place) that comment markings could be inserted into an exclusive layer. Now I think they could be better served if they are treated like guide rules. Or better yet, offer both options.