Add track changes also to foot notes
If you use track changes its a problem that texts in foot notes aren't tracked.
Some type of documents (like financial documents) need trail of changes. Its even a legal request in some cases. So if you depend on the track changes function its a big problem that foot notes aren't tracked. Used to be the same with tables long time ago but that one is now tracked since many versions back...
Seems like other also asked about this.

Thomas commented
That track changes is excluded in footnotes is a big problems for many users that with legal demands need to have an audit trail. And more and more companies uses InDesign to create this documents (for example financial document mentioned above) for a better design of the documents than if the create them in Word or similar...
aazebr commented
No tracking of changes in Footnotes – neither in InDesign nor in InCopy!!!!
There is simply no rational reason to limit the track text changes function to copy text and headlines – and to exclude Footnotes.
I mean, what was InCopy designed for? For the collaboration between editors, authors, translators. That is exactely what we do. I cannot understand the idea to exclude the Footnotes from that collaboration. Why? Is there a possibility, that no errors occur in Footnotes? That nothing ever has to be added or shortened or whatsoever in Footnotes? Developing a major software in the market means a huge investment. But putting your true customers into trouble and not changing that means, that Adobe has not understand the needs of their customers. So please, Adobe, eventually remove this limitation, which really causes us tons of trouble.
If you don't mind you might want to check with other software packages, whether they limit this tool to certain areas of the page or whatsoever.