text. direction. button. Give it back.
I have InDesign CC, I think it's multilingual, and now I have to do a layout entirely in Arabic. After a whole day of trying to work out how to do it I realized that the reason it was so difficult to change text direction from LTR to RTL is BECAUSE THERE IS NO MORE BUTTON (I used to accidentally activate it on my old photoshop, that is why I remember there being one)
two days in and I still can't find the direction option ANYWHERE and at this point I'm royally ****** because I'm either too dumb to find the thing or the thing is gone and I'm unable to do my job. I've searched everywhere, gone to every website, checked every single tutorial and wherever they show the option I DON'T HAVE IT THERE. OR ANYWHERE.
This really sucks and I don't get why would Adobe EVER remove something as useful as that. Granted I don't need it every single day BUT WHEN I DO MY SALARY DEPENDS ON IT.
I hope you reconsider the decision to remove the button.