Make Text variables recognise text variables 'from previous page'
At the moment for dictionary-type work, using text variables for running heads gives you the option of showing the first word on the page on left-hand page running heads, and the last word on the page right-hand pages. BUT where the feature lacks is if the left-hand page starts half-way through a paragraph. For example, if the last dictionary word on the right-hand page is 'peanut' but the paragraph goes over to the next left-hand page, you want it to show 'peanut' at the top of this left-hand page as it is a continuation from the previous page, but you can only have the first word on the page which might be 'pebble'. So 'pebble' running head will display on the left-hand page when really it should be 'peanut' as that is paragraph that is really at the top of the page.