Allowing the Review Function to have live text editable/collaborative
The company I work for focuses more on publishing where we are working between an art and development team and an editorial team.
Currently, we use InCopy to allow our editors to be more hands on with their major changes they need to text. But it creates a long wait time, packaging and uploading large files to our current servers, and room for error for the designer or editor to not be working from the most updated file. The problem we are having with InCopy not only is the human error of the risk of outdated files, but uploading large books with over 500 links takes a long time and also creates issues with actually transferring that amount of links over.
The Share for Review function seems to cut down a lot of the lag and wait time while also working directly from the main Indesign document. What I was wondering was if there was a way to include the ability to allow for the Editor to adjust the text changes live and in live time where when it gets sent back to the designer working in the main InDesign document - we will see that the editor changed the text in live time vs the text changes being left as a comment and the designer is responsible to copy and paste exactly what the Editor needs for changes.
Basically looking for a more collaborative Share for Review function and allowing clearance for editors to be able to edit JUST text.