Find / Change Format enhancements (find font variants / implement NOT logic)
I've just been conducting extensive Find / Replace operations on a number of documents, and I've been struck with a way to streamline certain operations. It's currently possible to find specific formats, either specifics relating to the typeface(s) used, size, leading, etc.; or search for specific character and / or paragraph styles.
When searching for specifics, it would be useful to be able to search for a more generic usage of 'Italic', say - so, if you search for 'Italic', it would match 'Italic', 'Bold Italic', '500 Italic', 'Oblique' etc. Currently you must search for every iteration of italic based on the specific reference used by the typeface you're using.
A second enhancement would be to implement NOT logic in the search which would enable the finding of manually-formatted text (search for all instances of 'Italic' that are NOT already assigned with the character style 'Italic'). The current method means you have to manually check all instances, irrespective whether they're already formatted.