Required Font Usage Pallet In Floatting with adjustable size
The Font Usage or Find/Replace Font windows need to be redesigned as like link panel. This existing window/dialogue box is not user friendly.
List of issues which has to be addressed:
The windows is not sizable, so if we have a font with lengthy name, then some characters will be hidden at the end.
We can only view 7 fonts at a time, so if a document uses more that this count. We need to scroll for long way and which is a tedious task. That portion of window should be sizable as like link pallet.
Once we accessed the font window, we no more have the access to the document. We need a separate standalone pallet as like link or any other pallet.
We need an option to insist InDesign to take the font from specific directory, so that we can maintain different fonts for each project. Indesign by default takes font from many of the locations. Especially, we should have an option to disable the Mac system fonts [Font Book].