Update links in ALL open documents
When working with multiple open documents, usually with similar or same assets) it would be great if Indesign could update that assets across all open documents in the same action.
Often, I need to switch between the source application, eg. Illustrator. and change an asset effecting several similar documents that are open. Would it be wonderful to update that same asset when you switch back to the active Indesign session with multiple files/tabes open. Instead, we need to select file by file and update the same assets in each instance.

Adam commented
Hey Dave,
Did you ever figure out a solution to this problem? I have a project every semester where there are so many linked InDesign files that all work together and I need a way to make this possible.
Do you think the solution is turning everything into a book file? That suggestion may not make sense or work but does that seem like a solution to you?