Cross reference endnotes
At present if you are in a particular endnote and wish to cross reference to another endnote, it is impossible to obtain the new endnote number. While the list of endnotes shows the endnote number, it is not an option to choose just the number. So you only get the full text of the endnote. This is different from cross referencing, say, a list of Figures where you can cross reference just the Figure and the figure number. For some reason the endnote number simply does not exist as a Paragraph Number.

Troy Deckert commented
Also to cross reference an endnote using a text anchor works well enough, but the endnote number remains manually referred to. Add endnote number to the text anchor options, like the page number. Now, every time we add or delete even one endnote, subsequent endnote numbers change. On books and long texts, it's nice to cross reference to many relevant endnotes, but the many endnote numbers have to be entered manually. And then reentered manually, after adding or deleting just one endnote.