Option to add Conditional Text to Paragraph/Character Styles
Would be extremely useful if you could automatically add a condition by applying a paragraph or character style (via data merge or an external Data Management System) to text without having to do a GREP find/change. Would make producing different versions more practical.

Laura Shanae commented
Agreed! I run a magazine. This would make setup for electronic VS print versions much easier.
Viacheslav Horobchenko commented
I wanted to submit an idea, but it has already been submitted several times! The conditional text needs to be able to be manipulated from the style.
Also, conditional text markers must be discoverable and manageable using GREP and regex. This possibility has not yet been fully disclosed.An example is Running Headers that need to be shortened on the fly if they exceed a certain length. Now, if a paragraph is assigned a different paragraph style (or markup with Character Style), part of the text can be hidden or vice versa.