Managing multiple tabs in InDesign is an abomination
Managing multiple tabs in InDesign is an abomination. Firstly, the tolerance between reshuffling tabs and pulling a tab out to a separate window is far too small. Try doing this on a 4K screen, move your mouse a couple of millimetres up or down and all of a sudden your tab is now it's own window. Worse still is that when you pull it back into the tabs, it goes right to the back.
This leads me to my second issue. The lack of any way to reshuffle tabs that have multiple tabs in between. There are two ways to do this and they are both tedious at best. Firstly is to move a tab four or five documents ahead. Then select a document four or five tabs ahead of that, then re-select the document you are moving and move it again. Repeat a bunch of times until you've moved the tab to where you need it and hope that you don't accidentally pull it out into its own window, because you have to start again. Second method is to open every single tab in between the two documents you're trying to bring together and open them out to a window, then drag back into tabs (this sends that tab to the back).
The InDesign devs should look at how After Effects handles tabs.

Michelle commented
Yes! I have to create so many forms in inDesign and the tabs are the most frustrating thing. You would think since it's 2020 this feature would have been updated by now. It's so time consuming when you want to make a small change, but really have to move every tiny tab arrow.
Also, adjusting the indents are near impossible! You know how many times I go to grab the triangle but it then drops a tab!
Come on inDesign - let's get this update!