Clear All Style Sets—Right from the Style Set Menu
Since there are a lot of windows to get to the OpenType Style Sets, we need a button that can clear all the opentype features we've tried out. This can be put into the Stylistic Sets Menu. (See attached picture.)
This isn't just valuable to me. This is valuable to:
1. Other users can feel free to use style sets, knowing that they can quickly clear all options, not spend minutes clicking through menus—Just to turn something off!
2. Font designers might add more features into their fonts if the features are easier to use.
3. You've already made that opentype feature button when you highlight, thank goodness for that! We just need a better way of clearing the style.
4. This allows a lot of utility to the end user, but since it's just a simple menu button, with a simple function it won't really take as many man hours to implement.
5. Your product becomes even more indispensable to type enthusiasts.
(This can also be implemented in the Opentype Tab of the Character Styles menu.)
Basically, this will make a lot of more advanced users happy with very limited downside to Adobe. I have attached a picture of how this might look.
Thanks, Dave
PS If the above idea is too difficult to implement, here's an even easier one: At the very least, if the menu behavior was different, it would save us a lot of clicking. And it's just this simple thing: Keep up the menu after I or another user click on a style set. That way, we users can choose multiple type options.
It's that simple.
This goes for the Entire Menu, once you've clicked on "OpenType."
Additionally, since the behavior is so subtle, I believe most users won't even know the menu behavior changed, but might just feel like, "Wow, this menu is so much easier to use."
Easy to implement, a lifesaver for those of us who spend all day clicking through these menus!