Snapping priority (ignore objects when in snapping distance from guideline and do not snap to outline)
When both options are active:
- snap to objects
- snap to guidelines.
InDesign behaves like schizophrenic making bad choices. And it is impossible to place objects on level.
Also InDesign snaps inner / outer outline of object to the guide, so when you have thin outlines (below one point) you never know to which side of outline object will be snapped and it will always be on different level than object without outline. And it creates mess.
Each time when there is a guide InDesign should snap to it in first place, ignoring the objects, and also object should snap to actual edge, not the outline.
This would make the work much more efficient. Right now I am loosing tens of hours for zooming in and fixing object positions - current guides just don't work.

Daniël commented
This is indeed terrible. I lose so much time, and patience for that matter, with constantly having to zoom in and reset textbox lines and images. It is getting so frustrating that I am actively looking for alternatives like affinity to see if that works better (because time is money, good bye Adobe if they don't fix this asap).