HTML Image Export Options — add resolution option of "original"
During HTML export, if we want optimized images, we are only given 4 resolution options (72, 96, 150, 300)-see attached screenshot.
Sometimes we only want certain aspects of optimization to occur. For example if original placed image is a TIFF, we definitley need InDesign to export it as a JPG for the web. BUT we don't necessarily always want the resolution of the image to be altered.
So it'd be nice to add an "ORIGINAL" or "NATIVE" option to the resolution dropdown menu. This would allow us to export the images at their original resolutions, while still converting to differnt filetypes and compressing.
Also a "CUSTOM" option would be nice—so we could enter our own resolution if needed.
This would give us much more flexibility for exporting, which would be hugely helpful for getting our content into the perfect formats for websites.