I enter a date i.e. through date picker, ID handles displayed output
I am running into the same problem for years: In program brochures spanning a whole year with 200+ events and multiple references throughout the brochure, clients provide wrong information (i. e. wrong day of the week for a specific date or a wrong year).
How about this: In a text frame or table cell, I could have a date picker or I´d write down every date in the same format, say like this: [DD.MM.YYYY] (since I am in Germany that would be my local format). Through magic/witch craft, InDesign would recognize the variable as a date and handle it according to my character-/paragraph-/or GREP-styles. InDesign would then generate the output: "Samstag, 25.02.17", or "SA 25", or "25. Februar 2017", or "02/25/17", or however I specify the date to be displayed in that table/paragraph/document.
Since in event calendars or program brochures nobody wants a wrong day of the week next to the date and since "day of the week" can be calculated, I think it´s a big win for everyone, right?

Anonymous commented
I'd like to see a date picker with other variables, such as day, added.