Import PDF Comments - Further Enhancements
We'd like to include the below options in the recently added feature in InDesign CC 2019, called 'Import PDF Comments':
(1) We'll be adding few default PDF pages after exporting PDF from InDesign, please confirm how to handle this when importing back to InDesign?
(2) We'll be receiving special characters like greek, symbols, etc. within PDF annotations, please confirm how to apply specific font to those characters, if they're not available in the current paragraph font, currently they're showing as missing glyphs?
(3) We'll be sharing the secured PDF to our external users, please confirm how to allow them to do PDF annotations?
(4) We'll receiving the PDFs annotations with new contents as attachments, please confirm how it need to be handled after importing the PDF into InDesign CC 2019?
(5) Sometimes our external users will mark the annotation with the Status: Cancelled / Rejected / Reply, please confirm how it need to be accessed in InDesign CC 2019?
(6) Is it possible to ignore the selective annotations?
(7) Is it possible to revert the already accepted annotations?
(8) Is it possible to respond back the comments to the external users for the particular annotations?
(9) Is it possible to retain the pending comments when exporting back to PDF?
(10) How to access the comments one-by-one thro' Scripting, currently it's possible only to accept all the comments?
Will share additional details once they're ready.

Bhupathi L commented
@Adobe: It's very helpful if you add above mentioned features.