Clear/erase "recent file" list.
Untill the new open/splah dialog, the recent file list wasn't a problem.
It was hidden into the File menù, and was almost impossible to see it.
Now with the new open / splash screen everyone is able to watch the document you opened previously.
In some occasion this is not that nice, especially if you work for someone and some of them competitors...
It could be useful to introduce an "erase recent document" at the end of the list in the File->Recent file menu.
As many other softwares has.

GambareID commented
(comment in Japanese)
Photoshopにはこの機能がありますので、InDesignにもぜひ付けてください。 -
Martin Edwards commented
I'd like to see this feature too. It's in Photoshop.
A workaround in InDesign is to open Preferences > File Handling and set "Number of Recent Items to Display" to zero; click OK, then go back into Preferences and set it to 20 again.