Can we PLEASE have a better way to manage saved search queries?
I'm a very heavy user of InDesign's ability to save specific search-and-replace queries, especially for GREP. But every single time you folks do a major update to InDesign, my custom saved search-and-replace queries (GREP, Text, Glyph, Object) go away. I've taken to backing up the .xml files with my backup software and manually restoring them after each program update, but something has changed in the last version, and simply restoring them to the applicable folders no longer restores them to the program Find dialog listing. I've got more than thirty mission-critical GREP queries alone. Re-writing them from scratch each major update is NOT acceptable!
The system for saving and managing custom queries has been broken from the beginning - "Save" names only appear on the listing if they were saved in the current version, so if I want to overwrite an old one, I have to re-type the name EXACTLY. As above, if there's an update, saved queries are NOT among the settings that are carried over to the new version.

grudgemom commented
I haven't come across this yet, but if this is true, I dread the day I do. I have such a huge list of saved GREP queries, some just slightly different than the next. Please fix this BEFORE I ever upgrade so I don't need to retype them all!