The ability to unlink footnote/endnotes from references, thus turning the footnote/endnotes into static notes.
As a designer who typesets thousands of pages of academic research annually, the ability to convert footnotes to endnotes and vice versa is a helpful addition (thanks InDesign team), but more features are needed:
The ability to unlink footnote/endnotes from references, thus turning the footnote/endnotes into static notes.
Currently this process is accomplished only via the benevolence and magic of Peter Kahrel's script, available here:
The reason being, I can no longer use the InDesign XML tagging feature while the footnote/endnotes remain linked—for some reason, XML tagging of footnote/endnote text is not supported!
If you'll indulge me, here's a brief overview of my process: Our researchers submit MS Word docs to my department for editing and layout in InDesign. A draft is then circulated, reviewed, final edits are made, and then the whitepaper is published. Part of our publication process involves tagging and exporting tagged XML from within InDesign. We then load the XML into our CMS for publication on our website.
Due to inability to unlink the footnote/endnotes, currently my workflow involves creating a "disposable" copy of the final InDesign document on which I run Peter's script. This unlinks the references—I then run a handful of other scripts to tidy up for XML handoff to the web. Next, I delete the "web" version of the InDesign file with the broken links and keep the original for archival purposes.
Another helpful instance where the ability to unlink references is when handing off major publications to our web team. I run the "export all stories" script that comes pre-packaged with InDesign and thanks to Peter's script, I'm able to hand over plain or rtf text files of the final text without losing the references.
This seems like a useful improvement to the endnote/footnote capabilities. Either allow users to unlink the references without losing the footnote/endnotes and references themselves AND/OR integrate XML tagging of footnote/endnotes.