Notification after background task completes
Sometimes background tasks can take a fair bit of time and we may switch to other things, take a phone call, go to lunch, meeting....If the Alerts panel was more about notifications, we would be able to know a bit more of what has happened with the task - if it completed, how long it took or even provide a link to view or email the exported PDF.

Anonymous commented
Definitely need a notification sound when the task is complete, so I don't have to stare at the screen for minutes on end exporting twenty-something PDF files
Anonymous commented
What also would be good: to know the reason why (if) the pdf-exports fails. I never know the cause and just try again (a lot of times more than once!!!)
Anonymous commented
I just came here to ask for this very thing. A task completion chime would save me untold hours when I've changed my focus to other things during long exports.
We're not always sitting there staring at InDesign as the background task chugs along. Give me the option of an audio alert, please, like mail programs do.
Esther commented
If the task is 'export to pdf', you can check the box that says 'open pdf after exporting', so it will open in Acrobat Reader and you know the job finished, because Acrobat will popup with the pdf-file (also when already running). For other tasks, your request would be handy indeed.