Import/Export PDF Comments
The new "Import PDF comments" feature is nice but ideally, you could retain some of the unresolved comments in the subsequent export. It was also be great to have the ability to reply to the comments. The new feature works great for minor fixes but if the comments are unclear or further communication is needed on the topic it would be great to be able to keep them comment with a reply, etc. Thank you!

Kevin Brumfield commented
This feature has potential. At this point, only PDFs commented in the desktop version of Acrobat seem to take full advantage of the auto replace, delete and insert functions. PDFs that are shared via the Adobe Document Cloud only let you use the delete (strikethrough) function. This is a shame since the Document Cloud is a much better workflow for sharing with a team since everyone can see each others comments. Please give the Document Cloud full commenting functionality so that teams can share/edit a single PDF, then download and import it into InDesign.
Anonymous commented
In the PDF comments window, it would be good if there were more distinction or distance between the Accept button and the Trash icon. I keep accidentally deleting the comments!
B.J. M. commented
I can't find a way to import PDF comments when the document is hosted on the Document Cloud? Is this possible?