Effects styles similar to Photoshop?
For example, I have a better looking set of values for drop shadows besides the default. However I have to manually enter these in every time, no way to save them as a preset. It would be nice to at least be able to copy the saved style preset from an object to another, similar to the way you can in Photoshop.

Randi S Williams commented
I would like to be able to "warp text" like I can in Photoshop
Evan commented
This already exists in some form: see Window >> Styles >> Object Styles. There is a section within those for effects.
Another cool feature (in the regular effects panel; not related to object styles): After you apply the desired effect, if you click and hold on the little "fx" logo in the effects panel, you can then drag that it over top of any object in your document and let go. It will apply the same effect to that object.