InDesign, and all other CC apps, should be ported to Linux
Linux is more efficient and secure than Windows or macOS. It also often has greater hardware compatibility and resource management, which would be useful when dealing with large projects.
This would be valuable for many users seeking to get the most out of their hardware, or who work with 3D rendering tools best suited to Linux setups.
Adobe already has a Unix base with the macOS version - surely a Linux version isn't too much of a head-scratcher for the devs.

Haubenreich commented
The year is 2023 and even Microsoft has been developing for Linux platforms and has been concerned with the further development of Linux. It would be a leap into the future if Adobe would also rely on Linux. And with all the Creative Cloud, we would also move from Autodesk 3D software to Adobe to have an all-in-one package with Linux Debian or Fedora.
[Deleted User] commented
This is the fird most voted feature request related to Photoshop and there is literally no feedback from the company. Wonder what it takes for them to move their asses.
Carlo commented
Especially for InDesign Server porting to Linux would make a lot of sense, since IDS runs in a server environment. It would simplify installations, speed up integrations and make it easier to bring IDS to cloud based environments.