Publish online Magazine
Publish online needs to be able to tell the difference between spreads and single pages. I publish a magazine using publish online and with the page numbers at the bottom, it looks like it is half as thick as it is. or have an option to take the page numbers off since they are in the magazine and I don't need them on the web page.
It would also be cool if when animating the magazine in InDesign there was a page flip, though I do like the way I do it now because it's different, it would be cool if I could make it look more like a magazine.
Another idea is it would be nice to be able to get the HTML/CSS so I can host it myself (I know I can embed but it's not the same)
Here is one of the issues that I have published for work to see what I am talking about. if those features are there and I am just missing it, please let me know.

Laura1959 commented
I also would like to be able to host without embedding.