Right click a Style Sheet, Find this Style
For years I've been hoping for an option to right click a a specific style to FIND THIS STYLE in the document. Because we all name them differently, I sometimes need to find a Style in the document, rather than click all over the place to hunt it down.
I'm currently working with a manual that I did not create. There are 30 or 40 styles I have to clean up. I love the Select All Unused option, but now I have styles that I know I'm not using and they're still showing as existing somewhere in the document.
Please consider adding a "FIND THIS STYLE" option.
Thanks for your consideration.

Ezra commented
I had this same problem, and patched together a script that would add the functionality to InDesign. See this thread: https://community.adobe.com/t5/indesign-discussions/quick-way-to-find-a-style/m-p/12979961#M479358
Shortly afterwards, someone else posted a link to a commercial product that has the same feature: AUTO CHARACTER STYLES by ID-Extras. https://www.id-extras.com/products/auto-character-styles/