when creating pdf output, please make the crops .5" when bleed isn't specified, right now it saves to a weird measurement
when bleed size isn't specified and crop marks are checked, pdf when exported adds a weird measurement to contain the crop marks. please let it be a standardized .5" -- that way when a pdf shows crops and bleed you can know that the finished size is 1 inch smaller, not have to do math with .389 or whatever. this will also help with print production as trimming in bindery is now mostly digital. the guys can punch in .5" and not have to do math or be fractionally off.

Lindsey Thomas Martin commented
The trouble with this request is that not everyone uses inches or wants a stand-off of .5 in. You can achieve the result you want by setting the slug to .5 in. and choosing 'include slug area' when you export to PDF. This will work with any units and any stand-off.