The KEYBOARD INCREMENTS part of Units and Increments preferences should application level not document level.
I have to go into this panel multiple times a day to change this from 2 to 1.
It should be application level, because it all relates to how much I expect text to move when using keyboard shortcuts. Or at least let me toggle it or override.
I think this is like if my custom keyboard shortcuts were document level and I had to set them back up every time I got a file made by someone else.

Evan commented
It makes absolute no sense that 'keyboard increments' preferences get saved with the document. They're USER INTERFACE preferences, just like dark mode vs light mode or any other personal choice.
It's very annoying when I work with a document created by someone else and suddenly my keyboard increments are all different. There's no logical reason for this.
Max commented
Good idea. It also would be convenient if it would be more accessible like in AI. There it's the first thing that is highlighted.
Darryl Robinson commented
Like many pref options, if you change it with no document open it should hold so every new doc has your pref.
That has worked for me.Hope it helps