A feature that lets you copy the actions of a button and past it in another already existing button!
For example: If you have a button with the actions: Go to next page, and make a sound. i would like to see a feature that lets you copy these actions (Go to next page and make a sound, or any other action) without physically copying the whole button but only the actions within the button and paste it into another already existing button.
If you have a button with the action: make a sound when clicked, and you want to have all the other buttons to have the exact same action as the button with the sound, you have to go to every single button, set up the action and choosing the sound. But it would be so much easier if it was able to copy this action and past it into all the buttons! It would save a hell of a lot time and it would really improve InDesign!

Maurice Williams commented
Just posting here to help keep this alive. InDesign might be as **** as XD and Figma but it's a solid tool for creating mockups. I see no reason why Paste Appearance and Paste Interaction for buttons in XD can't be available to ID users.
Gary Shapiro commented
a thousand times yes!!!! being able to copy any and all attributes of a button would be amazing.
Anonymous commented
Alt-copy only works for actions like "on click," but it doesn't seem to work at all for "Show/Hide" actions. Those are a lot of work to set up, so being able to copy all that would be great!
Kaela Weeks commented
Yes. This feature would be a complete LIFE SAVER and a real game changer.
I currently have a multi-page scientific document with 73 buttons that trigger 73 popup boxes with definitions across 6 pages, and each of those 73 popups are set to be hidden when clicked on so the user can go on reading the document.
The client has decided that they want a little "X" in the top right corner of each popup box. I currently have no way of making this change on a global level without completely starting over. It would be nice if I could either:
A) Add an object to an already existing button (I have tried this many different ways, it's not possible)
B) Convert all my objects to buttons, add the X to each popup, then apply my previous button settings to all objects in a layer/on a page.Instead what I will have to do is remove ALL button functionality from all 73 pairs of objects (luckily it will let me do that with multiple buttons selected), add the X to each box, group them, and manually apply new button functionality to each and every link and popup box.
We have object styles, paragraph styles, character styles, table styles, and cell styles, we need a way to save and manipulate button styles!
Peter Villevoye commented
Well Myra, alt-copy doesn't work. At least not always, even if you stay on the same page or spread. This has been a nasty bug for 10 years now. Alt-drag used to work for some actions (like Next/Previous State) for DPS, but Show/Hide Buttons don't. And it's probably not going to change, since Adobe is not very interested in fixing these interactions for PDF. And to be honest, I don't blame them. Apart from HyperLinks and Forms, interactive PDF is dead in the water...
Myra Ferguson commented
You can Alt (PC) / Option (macOS) + drag to copy the button and keep the actions intact on the copies, but copying and pasting doesn't keep them - https://www.creativepro.com/watch-duplicating-interactive-buttons/#comments
Anonymous commented
Anyone got a fix to this?
GGuid commented
Add actions to all buttons in a particular state would save SOOO much time. There Has to be a way to add this!
Floppy Disk commented
Definitely. This would save so much time.
Steve Edwards commented
I would also like the ability to change the actions of several buttons at the same time. I'm trying to get buttons on a curve so having to make multiple buttons for the same thing. Being able to batch select a load of shapes and changing them all together would save SO much time!
Anonymous commented
Why isn't this a thing? I have 20+ actions with a single button, and need them to happen to 15 more buttons, so I have to manually enter them all? It seems like there should be an easier way through this.