Please, please, please increase the overall stability of InDesign.
I’ve lost count of the number of times functionality has gone missing (ie: unable to proportionally scale using key commands and my mouse, sliding elements vertically or horizontally without changing either their “x” or “y” coordinate (respectively), etc.
I would suggest (and I am absolutely serious about this) that Adobe take 3 months off from issuing any updates to the product and have all your techs, engineers and coders work out as many functionality issues a possible to improve the stability of the product. Don’t get me wrong, it is a fabulous product (and you have no real competition except maybe Sketch?) so taking that time to improve what exists will not impact the bottom line. In fact, a more stable product can only IMPROVE the bottom line. Imagine if every so often your car wouldn’t start, or the headlights no longer worked, or it would wander all over the road even when you held the steering wheel perfectly still! You would be outraged and automobile manufacturers would either fix the problem ASAP, or go out of business. Do the right thing. Fix what is excellent (but flawed) tool. And the excuse that every user’s machine is different, and that you don’t know what other programs they are running or what conflicts or corruptions might be caused by those programs shouldn’t hold water after decades of development. And given the Creative Suite subscription prices users are paying, I think we are due some real improvements in stability.
For the record, I’m running a fairly new (since July of 2017) iMac, 27in machine, running High Sierra, v.10.31.1 and using the Adobe Creative Suite, 2018.
And have been using the Adobe products for years now, so don’t mean to sound like a crank. Simply want to make my day go a little bit smoother and be more efficient. Having a gazillion tools and features means nothing if even the most basic (and most often used) tool goes awry. Thanks for taking the time to read.

Jonas commented
+1 please !