Indesign Autosave
An autosave feature in Indesign would be a great addition. This could be added under the file handling menu with some options for it. A slider that allows you to set the intervals of the autosave. It would be a great addition to the auto recovery, you'd be surprised how often people forget to hit save or close it and accidentally not save when prompted.

Anonymous commented
I would like an autosave feature too
Anonymous commented
Seems balmy given that such was part of Quark Express programme? Is there a simple explanation to solve such a users worst nightmare?
Derrick Herbert commented
I'm surprised InDesign doesn't have this feature already? It probably wouldn't be that difficult to implement compared to some of the feature requests that have been submitted.
Peter Bull commented
One of my users experienced an InDesign crash today on a new piece of unsaved work. It appears that there is no provision for this case in InDesign and the user lost a couple of hours of work, I would say that an autosave feature which saved a number of versions locally in order to protect users' work should be there and configurable anyway.