placing an .ai file with multiple art boards,
When placing an .ai file with multiple art boards, it would be an improvement if I could place by the art board name instead of number.
Example A file may contain an art board that is CMYK or Spot. The thumbnail looks the same. Its a waste of time if I place the wrong art board.
IT would make my work day more efficient and less frustrating.

Niels Dielen commented
I very much agree with this request, seems like a feature not to diffuclt to implement (showing the artboard names instead of numbers) to allow us to more easily see what we are importing.
Colin YXE commented
Previewing more than one page at a time (more like Photoshop's) would be really helpful too. I have some AI files with 50+ artboards and having to flip through them one board at a time, or open it separately in Illustrator, note the number of the board I want, then go back into InDesign is incredibly annoying.
Could I break those AI files into individuals or smaller files, sure, but I like keeping them together.
Alex commented
Would we also be able to keep "show import options" the default? I'm always dragging my files in and only getting the first art board. Would love to get the options from just dragging. Otherwise, I apple+D it, dig through the server with a ton of folders, find my file, make sure the box is checked, and place. Bleh!