Output intent of placed PDF in link panel
You can easily look up ICC-profiles of placed images on the Links-panel.
It would be great to see the embedded profile in pdfs there.
You can look it up via Acrobat and it's metadata (OutputConditionIdentifier)

MSCH commented
There is something like
<</Lang(de-DE)/Metadata 2 0 R/OutputIntents[<</DestOutputProfile 5 0 R/Info(ISO Coated v2 300% \(ECI\))/OutputConditionIdentifier(ISO Coated v2 300% \(ECI\))/RegistryName(http://www.color.org)/S/GTS_PDFX/Type/OutputIntent>>]/Pages 3 0 R/Type/Catalog/ViewerPreferences<</Direction/L2R>>>>
at the beginning of the source code of a tagged pdf. But it's before the xml/xmp stuff...